Alfred University News

Alfred University convocation opens 188th academic year

皇冠体育app星期五下午举行了开学典礼, 迎接540多名新学生来到校园,标志着大学第188个学年的开始. Classes for the 2023-24 year begin on Monday, Aug. 28.

Cathy Bissoon, 1990年毕业于皇冠体育app,也是一位开创性的联邦法官, 为453名一年级学生和90名转学生做主题演讲, as well as the faculty and staff in attendance.

Judge Bissoon, a Brooklyn NY, native, 1990年获得皇冠体育app政治学学士学位, graduating summa cum laude and went on to earn her law degree from Harvard in 1993. In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed her to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Western Pennsylvania. Following her confirmation, Bissoon法官是印度裔和拉丁裔,他是宾夕法尼亚州第一位拉丁裔宪法第三条法官,也是第一位亚裔美国人宪法第三条法官.


“一个来自纽约的女孩怎么会来到阿勒格尼山脉的山脚下? I chose this school. 当我来到这里,我立刻就爱上了这里,”她回忆道.

“我在想,在一个如此宁静的地方生活和学习会是什么样子. 阿尔弗雷德似乎是一个我不只是一个数字的地方, where professors wouldn’t let me struggle alone. 我在这里交了一些最好的朋友,他们和我一起经历过困难和挑战. 当我毕业那天离开阿尔弗雷德时,我就知道我的选择是正确的。”

students walking down Academic Alley to Convocation


Judge Bissoon said during her time at Alfred, she made friendships that have lasted a lifetime, found meaningful mentors in her professors, and grew to realize her potential.

“I had professors who knew me by name and became my mentors. 他们教会了我如何独立思考,如何成为一名领导者。. “Alfred took an introvert like me outside my comfort zone.”

After graduation from law school, Judge Bissoon worked for 15 years in private practice, 而是在1994年休了一年的假,在宾夕法尼亚州西区的美国地方法院担任法律助理.  Judge Bissoon started her legal career at Reed Smith, 她将在那里成为合伙人,并成为全公司就业部门的负责人.  她还担任Reed Smith的多元化总监六年, 她为增加法律界的多样性所做的努力赢得了各种荣誉. In 2007, she joined the Pittsburgh law firm of Cohen & Grigsby (now Dentons Cohen & 格雷斯比(Grigsby),她在那里担任董事,并担任工党领袖 & Employment Group.

In 2008, 比松法官被选为宾夕法尼亚州西区美国地方法院的美国地方法官.  Three years later, 奥巴马总统任命比松法官为同一法院的美国地区法官.

During her time in private practice, Judge Bissoon was named a Fellow of the Litigation Council of America; listed multiple years in the Best Lawyers in America; named a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” by Philadelphia Magazine; listed in Chambers USA America’s Leading Lawyers; and was recognized as one of the top 50 lawyers in Pennsylvania under the age of 40 by Pennsylvania Law Weekly.  Additionally, 她被授予瑟古德·马歇尔荣誉奖,以表彰她在多元化领域的许多努力 Minorities in Business Magazine

比松法官还被宾夕法尼亚州最高法院首席大法官任命为宾夕法尼亚州跨部门性别委员会的原始成员, Racial and Ethnic Fairness. 该委员会的职责是促进宾夕法尼亚联邦所有公民平等适用法律,并增强公众对州政府所有三个部门的公正性的信心.

Bissoon法官鼓励学生“抓住你拥有的每一个机会”. 呼吸这个地方的魔力,知道你的选择是正确的. Your journey starts today.”

Amy DeKay, vice president for Student Experience, 值得注意的是,今年的新生班级是近年来最大的. “学生的数量惊人,但这个班级的多样性是深刻的,”德凯说.

She, too, 鼓励学生发展关系,这将有助于他们在皇冠体育app的旅程. “It is our mission to help you realize your purpose. 在阿尔弗雷德,没有人会因为太大或太小而成为你的支持网.”

Natalie Reynolds, Student Senate president, 为学生们提供了两条小贴士,让他们在皇冠体育app的学习取得成功. “Find a support system. 在这里的这段时间里,大胆地建立联系,”她说. “Get involved. Spend time with professors, and in the studios and labs. Find out what’s happening on campus.”

In closing, Mark Zupan, Alfred University president, 提醒学生,大学的使命是通过大学的三个核心优势,帮助他们实现自己的目标:包容性, intersections, and mentorship.

“Our bedrock is inclusivity,” Zupan said, 他指出,这所大学不仅是全国第一所招收女性的大学,而且还允许她们获得与男性相同的课程. “你们,我们学生的多样性,反映了我们对包容性的承诺.”

Mark Zupan at podium, Convocation
大学校长Mark Zupan在周五的开学典礼上发表讲话.

“你可以利用的交叉点很多. 我们鼓励你采取不同的途径,探索我们所有的课程和课外课程.”

关于师徒关系,祖潘敦促学生“在发展人际关系中发挥积极作用”. Take time to meet with (mentors). 当你寻求解决挑战时,把他们当作参谋.”